
This is an evolving list of terms frequently used in the context of Project Frame. Written in collaboration among working group members, it’s meant to provide common language, as it would be applied in Frame. This is not a comprehensive list of terms associated with emissions reduction but a starting place for new terms or applications. We’ll update and improve terms based on feedback: please share your thoughts at!

Anjali Deshmukh Anjali Deshmukh

Planned Impact

The impact expected from a company or a proposed climate solution based on a realistic analysis of its business model.

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Applications Anjali Deshmukh Applications Anjali Deshmukh

Potential Impact

The impact a proposed climate solution could have based on a standardized growth trajectory that assumes the proposed solution takes over the Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM).

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jason dela cruz jason dela cruz

Rebound Effect

A proposed climate solution that offers reduced GHG emissions compared to an incumbent may sometimes encourage people to switch from other low or zero GHG options to a higher emissions product.

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jason dela cruz jason dela cruz

Scope 1 Emissions

Direct GHG emissions that occur from sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting company, such as emissions from combustion of fossil fuels in boilers, furnaces, and vehicles.

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jason dela cruz jason dela cruz

Scope 2 Emissions

Indirect GHG emissions that result from the generation of purchased electricity, heat, or steam consumed by the reporting company.

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jason dela cruz jason dela cruz

Scope 3 Emissions

All indirect emissions that occur in a company's value chain, including both upstream and downstream emissions.

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jason dela cruz jason dela cruz

System Boundary

The divide between what is included in and what is excluded from a system of study.

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Anjali Deshmukh Anjali Deshmukh


An instance that quantifies the amount of product or service, which is used to track the scale of a proposed climate solution compared to an incumbent, e.g. one vehicle or one megawatt-hour of electricity generated.

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Applications Anjali Deshmukh Applications Anjali Deshmukh

Net Unit Impact

The difference between GHG emissions released by a single unit of an innovation and a single unit of the incumbent technology (or representative mix of technologies).

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jason dela cruz jason dela cruz

Capitalization Attribution

Attributing portions of impact across the shareholders of the company that has put the proposed climate solution on the market.

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