This is an evolving list of terms frequently used in the context of Project Frame. Written in collaboration among working group members, it’s meant to provide common language, as it would be applied in Frame. This is not a comprehensive list of terms associated with emissions reduction but a starting place for new terms or applications. We’ll update and improve terms based on feedback: please share your thoughts at!
Avoided Emissions
Avoided emissions are defined as the “positive” impact on society when comparing the GHG impact of a solution to an alternative reference scenario where the solution would not be used. They are sometimes referred to as Scope 4 Emissions, but Project Frame does not recommend the use of this term to avoid conflation with Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 used in carbon accounting.
An attribute of impact, requiring an investor or company's thoughtful and reasonable articulation of the degree to which its support causes a change in an outcome that would have not otherwise happened (in a no-intervention or business as usual baseline scenario).
Baseline Scenario (also referred to as incumbent scenario)
A projection of GHG emissions over time, representing what would have happened in the absence of an investment or a climate solution.
Direct “Component” Solution
A part of an overall solution that plays a critical role in delivering GHG impact. The GHG impact will depend on the use case for the product that contains the component.
Capitalization Attribution
Attributing portions of impact across the shareholders of the company that has put the proposed climate solution on the market.